Android Used Terms you might not know

The world of today is filled up with technology here and there. In the world of smartphones, there are terms used which makes one wonder "What does this really mean"? I was surprise when i got mails from friends asking whats the meaning of Rom, OTA, Stock Rom, Custom rom, Rooting, etc.. concerning their Android device and infact, that mail made me put up this article so as to help many fully understand the used terms on Android smartphones.

To the geeks and those who already how and what it means, it is not an overwhelming endeavor. But to those who don't, it is. Open a forum thread with some instructions and you’ll find yourself staring at all sorts of strange words and confusing combinations of letters.
ROMs, Kernels, Nandroids, TAR images…what does it all mean?!
We’re here to help! Below you’ll find the newb’s dictionary to the strange language of modding/H@cking. This is not intended to be a technical definition of each concept, but an easy to understand, explanation for the average Joe.

Disclaimer: We chose NOT to put this “dictionary” in alphabetical order because we believe it follows a logical order from basic to more advanced H@cking knowledge that will be easier for the complete beginner to follow and understand. Let's Begin....

ROOTING: Acquiring "root" access or permission is the process of gaining total control or Administrative control over your device. When you purchase your brand new Android device, there are certain files and systems that you cannot access because they are blocked by the manufacturer. By aquiring root, you gain access to these files, allowing you to modify, replace and even delete them with no manufacturer's restrictions. Rooting also allows you to take total control over system files behavior and how to control them. An Android phone without root access or permission is really not yet a complete Android

BOOTLOADER: To some Android device, before you can root or gain root permission, you must unlock your bootloader. The bootloader is a line of code that is executed even before your Android operating system boots up. The bootloader’s code is specific for each make and model of the many Android devices. Bootloaders comes factory "locked" because the device manufacturer doesn’t want you tinkering with the software that they worked so hard to optimize for that particular piece of hardware.
Unlocking the bootloader allows you to tinker or play around with the phone’s firmware, or even replace it with a custom firmware (aka: Custom ROM ). It is very important to note that unlocking your bootloader will erase or wipe all data stored on your phone, essentially putting it back to a "factory reset" state after accomplishing unlocking bootloader, so you’ll want to save any pictures, music, or any other important files that are on your device.

RECOVERY: Once your bootloader is unlocked and you have rooted your device, you will need a custom recovery. To some Android device, you don't need unlocking bootloader before you can install a custom recovery. A recovery is a piece of software that is called up separate from the actual Android operating system. Its purpose is to make changes to the Android OS at a core level, such as delete user data, apply updates and more. The stock recovery is limited in function, so if you are planning on modifying/H@cking/rooting your phone, you will need to install a "Custom Recovery" such as Clockwork Mod Recovery TWRP recovery meant for your specific device. A custom recovery will allow you do the following:
→ make backups, restore them
→ wipe partitions
→ install custom software or rom and more.

Backup / Nandroid: Once your custom recovery is installed, you will want to make a backup (also known as a Nandroid) of your entire Android. A Nandroid is simply a complete and total backup of your phone. It will store all of your data, apps, settings, SMS messages, and more, basically allowing you to restore your phone to its initial state.
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